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Biodegradable packaging

At CustomPack, we are environmentally conscious.


All our products are made of corrugated cardboard and recycled cardboard and are FSC-certified *.
All waste is cut and used as filling for cardboard packaging. All cardboard boxes produced by us are 100% recyclable.

We are proud to participate in the circle of responsible resource management. With some production expenditure we managed to reduce the production of waste by 90% .

At CustomPack, we reduce the number of sheets needed to make settings by using digital printing as often as possible. Thanks to the automatically adjusted appropriate printing technology, we achieve a huge reduction of waste!

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in CustomPack
and proudly print
on it our eco-label!

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* FSC, or Forest Stewardship Council, is the organization responsible for certifying all kinds of wood and paper products. Following the FSC guidelines means harvesting wood without affecting the biological resources and structure of the forest.

The FSC certificate is one of the few that is endorsed by the most important environmental organizations. It is also one of the most reliable systems in the world for the certification of forest resources. The manufacturer of cardboard packaging, CustomPack, is committed to environmental care and sustainable development, therefore its products also include FSC-certified cardboard and paper.